Friends Resilience Program

Make friends

Develop resilience & skills to deal with issues & eventualities that arise during these years

About Event

Bendigo Community Health Services & the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre will present 3 sessions on resilience for middle aged & senior people. They will be held on July 15th, 22nd & 29th.

The sessions will be presented by Bendigo Community Health Services staff. Depending on circumstances & interest there may be extra classes at a later date.
The focus of the sessions will be to help participants develop resilience & skills to deal with issues & eventualities that arise during these years, such as:
• Benefits of developing resilience to cope with life (eg) coping mechanisms to alleviate stress
• Relationships in later life
• Loss of a partner & friends
• Invisibility of older people
• Handling fast paced changes such as AI & the standard "look up this website" blurb
• Generational understanding (eg)
• General information on developing resilience through various methods
Sessions will be held at the Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre as the room is very spacious & will fit 10 plus people. The whole program is auspiced by the Neighbourhood Centre but everyone is very welcome to attend.
The sessions are presented in a fun manner with activities that involve the participants & help them discover ways to develop resilience to handle everyday life & those stressful events that come our way.

Please call or text Brenda on 041 747 0903 OR Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre on 54 421165
For information or to enrol/register your interest.


Event Details