For women from refugee, migrant and asylum-seeking backgrounds
Different Journeys provides peer support and social connections in a safe & supported environment for autistic teens and their families.
Live music for the family
Brace yourself for the emergence of our newest comedy stars!
Come and learn the art of the Samurai. Beginners welcome. First class free
Summer Fun + Games in the Mall
The Show features judged competitions, exhibition, traders and other crafters who specialise in the producing porcelain, reborn, fantasy and much more
Enjoy a fun filled time on the water, with family, friends or loved one. You'll first receive a short introductive briefing, to get you familiar with
An exhibition showcasing some people and stories from the over 40,000 items in the collection of the Bendigo Historical Society
Location filtering is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for a location and filter the list by this location.
Tag filtering is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to filter the list by event feature tags.