Information session on the plans for the Bendigo Stadium

We are inviting the Bendigo community to join us for a series of information sessions to learn more about the exciting new upgrades we are delivering

About Event

The Bendigo community is invited to attend a series of information sessions where you will be able to learn more about our plans for the Bendigo Stadium upgrades being delivered as part of the Victorian Government’s Regional Sports Infrastructure Program.

Plans for the Bendigo Stadium upgrades include a new two court annex, refurbishment of two existing courts, lighting to outdoor netball courts, solar panels and car park and accessibility improvements.

We have been working on the designs for these upgrades and are excited to share them with you, where you will have the opportunity to connect with the project team. All members of the community are invited to attend the drop-in session in person, or you can register on the Development Victoria website to attend our online webinar. We would love to answer your questions and hear your feedback.

If you would like to share your feedback, we will be accepting written submissions on the project from Thursday 6 March to Thursday 3 April 2025 at This will be the final opportunity to provide feedback on the project.

For more information and to register for our online information session, scan the QR code or click the book now button

QR code to join online seminar

Bendigo Stadium project logos

Event Details