The members of Central Vicotrian Restoration Group and Veteran Vintage Classic Club Bendigo will combine to hold a display day at the Bendigo Show Gr
We are inviting the Bendigo community to join us for a series of information sessions to learn more about the exciting new upgrades we are delivering
Come and enjoy a cuppa and a chat at Long Gully Neighbourhood Centre
All are welcome to join us for a free community meal.
The Bendigo Easter Festival is looking for volunteers to assist at the event between Friday April 18 – Sunday April 20
Are you a parent/carer for a child with a disability? Join us for a walk around Lake Weeroona followed by complimentary coffee at Peppergreen Farm
Join us for a relaxed catch up with fellow men who share a care for Autistic kids, families or partners.
Relay For Life is a fun and moving experience that raises vital funds for the Cancer Council
Quotes, prayers, readings, music and reflections on spirituality, peace and our shared humanity on a different theme each month
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The City of Greater Bendigo is home to a rich variety of community events. You can find all these right here.