Lifeline Loddon Mallee

Crisis support
Suicide prevention
Volunteer opportunities

We offer grief and loss counselling at no cost. Community and corporate training We are proud to operate the 13 11 14 call centre for the region

About Us

Lifeline Central Victoria & Mallee started servicing the local region as a short-term crisis support hotline in 1995. Since then, we have grown to become a community focused, and volunteer led organisation. Today our centre has around 70 accredited volunteers who answer over 13,000 calls annually from people needing support or short-term crisis help.

Our accredited trainers deliver training and education throughout the region. This training is valued by communities to equip local people with the skills, experience, and knowledge to recognise, respond and refer those who are experiencing poor mental health, suicidality, and domestic violence.

Our Vision: A suicide free Australia.

Our Purpose: To provide connection and support to empower people to change their lives.

Our Values: Integrity, Empathy, Passion, Community, Authenticity & Generosity.

Get Involved

We would love you to join us and get involved. Become part of the action! The following opportunities are currently open: