Welcome to our Garden Board Gaming Group! 🌼 Dive into a world of strategy and laughter among blooming flowers and friendly faces! 🎲✨
In May 2022, St Kilians Parish signed up to being an Earthcare Parish. One step we took was to create a community garden in the Parish grounds.
The Anglican Parish of Kangaroo Flat is a Christian community in the Anglican tradition.
CVGT Employment believe in delivering inclusive employment solutions. Every person deserves the opportunity to thrive.
Access Creative Studios is a program designed and run by the NDIS at WISE team, focused on supporting people of all ages in gaining life skills.
Welcome to Little Heart Children's Counselling, providing trauma-informed, child-centred counselling for children and adolescents aged 5-18.
headspace is a confidential & free service where young people aged 12-25 can access a range of services
headspace Bendigo offers two Diversity Groups for young people who identify as LGBTIQA+, their friends and allies
Giving caregivers of young people the space to be heard and contribute to improving our services and programs
Are you passionate about advocating for youth mental health and wellbeing?
Location filtering is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for a location and filter the list by this location.
Event search is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for events.
Note: for the prototype this search field is overlaid with a link to the dummy event search results page.