Mental Health services
Book an event session for your community group or school
You can chat privately with our professional counsellors over the phone or webchat, seven days a week between 9am – 1am (AEDT).
Helping young people find a job they want
Supporting people to find help, hope and purpose in their lives.
Supporting Victorians aged 26 years and over to get mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support closer to home.
The ACDC project provides support, direct to your door. We let you know about the free mental health services in your local community.
Supporting family members, carers, kin and supporters of people with mental health and/or substance use challenges.
Location filtering is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for a location and filter the list by this location.
Event search is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for events.
Note: for the prototype this search field is overlaid with a link to the dummy event search results page.