CVGT Employment believe in delivering inclusive employment solutions. Every person deserves the opportunity to thrive.
Windarring is a not for profit disability organisation that thrives on providing unique employment supports to those with a disability.
Helping young people find a job they want
We are here to help you achieve your goals, whether it's to find a new job, improve your health, upskill, or overcome barriers to be more…
ASTERIA Services is a not-for-profit community based organisation providing tailored support services to people with disability in central Victoria.
SisterWorks are workplaces and training centres that provide women who are refugees, asylum seekers or migrants with meaningful opportunities.
U3A Bendigo is a voluntary community organisation run by members, offering daytime activities to keep minds and bodies active in life's third…
Distinctive Options is a registered NDIS provider who have been guiding participants to practise choice and control over their lives since 1985.
YOBendigo is the City of Greater Bendigo's Youth Service for all young people aged 12 - 25 years old.
Bendigo Foodshare is a charitable organisation that rescues donated and surplus food to feed more than 12,485 local people each week via food…
Location filtering is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for a location and filter the list by this location.
Event search is not functional in this prototype. When completed this feature will allow you to search for events.
Note: for the prototype this search field is overlaid with a link to the dummy event search results page.